
Become a member

Visit a rehearsal

If you love to sing and can hold your part with others singing around you, we'd love to hear from you. Visit a rehearsal to hear how we sound and how you might fit in and shine as part of our group.

We rehearse at Belrose Uniting Church, 2 Morgan Rd, Belrose, from 7.15 to 9.45pm each Monday evening, and take a break in late December and early January.

Just call Carol on 0477 211 609 for all the details or send us an email from our Contact us page.

Our music

We sing women's acappella in 4 parts:

Lead - sings the melody line
Baritone - a harmony part in the same range as the melody, similar to alto 
Bass - the harmony part for women who love to sing in the lower range
Tenor - the highest voice range,

We sing a range of songs from pop and other contemporary to barbershop, particularly for the national annual competition which is held in a major centre around Australia. This is a great incentive for us to continuously work on improving our vocal skills and travelling together for those who want to is always fun! We also enter competitions such as the Sydney eisteddfodd and perform regularly in the community and around Sydney.


We have regular coaching and education programs throughout the year from local, regional and international experts through Sweet Adelines Australia.


If you're really keen to learn more about the acappella artform we love to learn to master, Deke Sharon - singer, arranger, composer and music director of The Sing off! and Pitch Perfect, has some ideas...